As promised some first glimpses from my trip with Ben to Sumatra this summer. The first stop of our journey was the sleepy island of Simeulue, where people spend their days chilling around rather than doing actual work. Apparently, there are vast resources of gold which is why people don't bother making their money any other way.
During our time on Simeulue, we stayed at the surf camp of a friendly local women called Nanik. Her camp offered everything a surfer could ask for, including scooters, delicious food, and a very non-threatening watch dog called Bulley. The best feature of her place was that it was only a 5 minute bike ride from a spot called Dylan's right, which is a classic Indonesian wave, with plenty of barrels if the swell hits it right.
Besides Dylan's there was a spot called Teabags, which you could reach by fisher boat for 5$ a ride. This is a very fast rolling right hander, which curls over razor sharp reef on a remote island. We surfed it the first day and we scored some nice head-high barrels.
Other than those two spots there are only some mediocre spots, not really what I expected from Indonesia.
another spot is the peak Jackals a classic A-Frame that barrels both left and right some people call it Sumatran Trestles. Its about 30 minutes north from the Simeulue airport in front of Casarina Surf Camp at Nancala Beach